Foods to Avoid After Deep Dental Cleaning

February 1st, 2017 Posted by Uncategorized No Comment yet

Having sensitive teeth is expected after getting a deep dental cleaning. Nevertheless, this sensitivity will fade over time. Local anesthesia is injected around your gums during deep

cleaning, and this results in numbness. You have to wait until this numbness goes away before eating food in order to avoid biting your tongue or lips.

For a faster healing process of your teeth and gums, avoid some triggers of pain and sensitivity. Take good care of your newly cleaned teeth by avoiding some of these foods:

Foods that can get stuck in your gums
Any food that has a high possibility of getting stuck in your gums such as chips, popcorn, nuts and foods that are chewy and sticky such as dried fruits and chocolates are not good for you while your teeth and gums are sensitive.

Acidic foods that may be harsh to your gums
Any food or drink that is high in acid like tomatoes, citrus fruits, pickles, fruit juice and red wine are harsh on your mouth after a deep dental cleaning. Spicy and heavily seasoned foods may also cause your mouth some discomfort.

Supersized foods that may be too big for your jaw
Foods like hamburgers will cause you to open your mouth wider. They may be too big for your jaw to handle and may cause you to exert more effort in biting/chewing. Avoid stressing your teeth while trying to heal.

You may eat what you can tolerate, but be kind to your oral cavity for the next 48 hours. Foods that are best for you are:

Foods that are easy to chew and swallow
Easy to chew and swallow foods aren’t a challenge to rinse out. Eat foods such as soups, pasta, soft cooked rice, yogurt, eggs, banana, mashed potato, etc.

Make sure to drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated and do not miss meals. Food and nutrition is important in fast healing.

Sensitive teeth after deep cleaning can be treated at home by watching the foods you eat. When the sensitivity of your teeth lasts longer than a few weeks, contact your Walnut Creek cosmetic dentist.

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