Top natural remedies to treat your dry mouth

February 27th, 2017 Posted by Uncategorized No Comment yet

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Dry mouth develops for a number of reasons namely: stress, medications, nutritional deficiencies, etc. The following are some home remedies to say goodbye to your dry mouth.

  1. Water

If you don’t hydrate yourself, your mouth will apparently go dry. The recommended water intake is 3 liters of women and 2.2 liters for men.

  1. Sugar-Free Sucking Candies

Sucking on sugar-free mints or candies can accelerate the flow of saliva. Choose sugar-free candies to avoid tooth decay.

  1. Sugar-Free Gum

Apart from sucking, the act of chewing can also promote a good salivary flow. This eventually eases your dry mouth symptoms.

  1. Decaffeinated Beverages

If you can’t stand without coffee, tea, or soda, make sure you take the decaffeinated versions. Caffeine’s drying effect can just make your dry mouth symptoms worse.

  1. Breathe through Your Nose

Mouth-breathing actually dries the mouth as well. When you’re in the resting state, do breathe using your nose. If you can’t due to your congestion or allergy, you may want to pay your doctor a visit for further dry mouth treatments.

  1. Use a Humidifier

If the air is too dry, your condition might go worse. To add moisture to your home, use a humidifier. Your dry mouth is less likely to disturb your sleep if you use a humidifier at night. Place a humidifier in your workspace too or in any other room you spend the most time in.

  1. Quit Smoking

One of the negative effects of cigarette is that it slows down your salivary production. If you can’t quit smoking, your dentist can help you on where you can start.

  1. Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

Alcohol stimulates the abrasive sensation you feel in your mouth. It also negatively affects the moisture levels in the mouth. Better choose alcohol-free mouthwash and avoid alcoholic beverages, too.

  1. Fluoride Toothpaste

Dry mouth further puts you at risk for tooth decay. Fluoride avoids cavities and keeps your enamel strong. Bacteria buildup is also regulated when using fluoride-based toothpaste.

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